Bollywood actress Parineeti Chopra who paid a visit to the Bigg Boss house along with Ali Zafar and Ranveer Singh in day before yesterday’s episode.
They play games with all Contestants of the Bigg Boss 8. Then, the Ranveer Singh start to dance on the song of Govinda. Thereafter all Contestants start to dance and then Ali Parineet dance together.
Ali touches Parineeti very badly. Then, Parineet is getting very much upset and then going into the confession room with the Ranveer Singh and Ali Zafar. This all make Ranveer and Ali Zafar very much upset.
Then, the all House Contestants are getting angry. Ali Quli Mirza is also getting irritated by all this and say that he will run away from this house. But after some time, All people come to know that Parineeti play prank with Ali Quli Mirza.
Ali was left extremely embarrassed and sad for having been a victim of such a dirty prank.
However, Parineeti apologized to Ali and thus ended the tamasha.